Source code for uzmq.sock

# -*- coding: utf-8 -
# This file is part of uzmq. See the NOTICE for more information.

from collections import deque
import logging

import pyuv
import zmq

from .poll import ZMQPoll
from . import util

[docs]class ZMQ(object): """\ :param loop: loop object where this handle runs (accessible through :py:attr:`Poll.loop`). :param int socket: zmq socket The ZMQ handles provides qsynchronous ZMQ sockets functionnality both for bound and connected sockets. """ def __init__(self, loop, socket): self.loop = loop self.socket = socket # shortcircuit some socket methods self.bind = self.socket.bind self.bind_to_random_port = self.socket.bind_to_random_port self.connect = self.socket.connect self.setsockopt = self.socket.setsockopt self.getsockopt = self.socket.getsockopt self.setsockopt_string = self.socket.setsockopt_string self.getsockopt_string = self.socket.getsockopt_string self.setsockopt_unicode = self.socket.setsockopt_unicode self.getsockopt_unicode = self.socket.getsockopt_unicode self._poll = ZMQPoll(loop, socket) self._events = 0 self._send_queue = deque() self._read_cb = None self._read_copy = True self._read_track = False
[docs] def start_read(self, callback, copy=True, track=False): """ :param callback: callable callback must take exactly one argument, which will be a /iist, as returned by socket.recv_multipart() if callback is None, recv callbacks are disabled. :param copy: bool copy is passed directly to recv, so if copy is False, callback will receive Message objects. If copy is True, then callback will receive bytes/str objects. :param track: bool Should the message be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it? (ignored if copy=True) Callback signature: ``callback(zmq_handle, msg, error)``. Start reading for incoming messages from the remote endpoint. """ if not util.is_callable(callback): raise TypeError("a callable is required") self._read_cb = callback self._read_copy = copy self._read_track = track if not self._events & pyuv.UV_READABLE: self._events |= pyuv.UV_READABLE self._poll.start(self._events, self._on_events)
[docs] def stop_read(self): """ Stop reading data from the remote endpoint. """ self._events = self._events & (~pyuv.UV_READABLE) self._poll.start(self._events, self._on_events)
[docs] def write(self, msg, flags=0, copy=True, track=False, callback=None): """\ :param msg: object, str, Frame The content of the message :param flags: int Any supported flag :param copy: bool Should the message be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it? (ignored if copy=True) :param track: bool Should the message be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it? (ignored if copy=True) Callback signature: ``callback(zmq_handle, msg, status)``. Send a message. See zmq.socket.send for details.""" return self.write_multipart([msg], flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track, callback=callback)
[docs] def write_multipart(self, msg, flags=0, copy=True, track=False, callback=None): """ :param msg: object, str, Frame, the content of the message :param flags: int Any supported flag :param copy: bool Should the message be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it? (ignored if copy=True) :param track: bool Should the message be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it? (ignored if copy=True) Callback signature: ``callback(zmq_handle, msg, status)``. Send a multipart message. See zmq.socket.send_multipart for details.""" # make sure we are sending bytes msg = [util.to_bytes(m) for m in msg] kwargs = dict(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) self._send_queue.append((msg, kwargs, callback)) if not self._events & pyuv.UV_WRITABLE: self._events |= pyuv.UV_WRITABLE self._poll.start(self._events, self._on_events)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the ZMQ handle """ self._poll.stop()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the ZMQ handle. After a handle has been closed no other operations can be performed on it.""" self._poll.close()
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush pending messages. This method safely handles all pending incoming and/or outgoing messages, bypassing the inner loop, passing them to the registered callbacks.""" if self._send_queue: while True: try: self._send() except IndexError: break
def _send(self): res = self._send_queue.popleft() msg, kwargs, cb = res try: status = self.socket.send_multipart(msg, **kwargs) except zmq.ZMQError as e: logging.error("SEND Error: %s", e) status = e if util.is_callable(cb): cb(self, msg, status) def _on_events(self, handle, events, err): if events & pyuv.UV_READABLE: self._on_read() if events & pyuv.UV_WRITABLE: self._on_write() def _on_read(self): if not return try: msg = self.socket.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK, copy=self._read_copy, track=self._read_track) except zmq.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN: # state changed since poll event return else: logging.error("RECV Error: %s" % zmq.strerror(e.errno)) self._read_cb(self, None, e.errno) else: self._read_cb(self, msg, None) def _on_write(self): try: self._send() except IndexError: pass